Chapter 2: What does her blind side see?



The whispers resumed, but their cadence was completely different now.

The Khanon Belt, as the name suggests, is effectively an asteroid belt where every asteroid has enough gravity to hold an atmosphere and life, though this gravity has its limits. In fact, after entering into high atmosphere any vessel is left more to the whims of the Sun than those of anything in the Belt.

This is where Meteorotives come in.

These vessels don’t really fly towards the other sections of the Belt, rather, they enter high atmosphere and stabilize themselves as the counter-clockwise rotation of the Belt happens. They just wait and then go back down rather than move forwards.

Better technologies have been developed and refined since then, in particular the “Voidslasher” or as it’s more colloquially referred to: “Missile Express”, a vessel that’s designed to travel from one landmass edge to the next inasmuch of a straight line as the slight curvature of gravity allows.

Meteorotives remain, however. Though their main purpose is the transport of cargo to already-explored frontiers and the vast majority of them are vessels over 30 years old.

All of this is to illustrate the fact that reentry in a Meteorotive is not rough… just because “rough” would be a very welcome improvement.

Unlike take off where the passengers only have to deal with a shot of g-force, landing is a process that involves in no particular order: The turbulence of reentry into the belt’s peculiarly dense upper atmosphere, the heat rising from said reentry, the thrusters shaking back and forth as they adjust the fall trajectory of the vessel, and as the last point hopefully illustrates: Freefall for a bowel-emptying amount of time.

And that’s all already rough if you were in a passenger or pilot seat… but Regina’s vessel was just a transport vessel where the cargo bay was modified to accommodate a load of really squishy humans.

Modifications that, due to budgetary reasons, only pass the bare minimum of safety regulations, banking on extra measures being taken by those inside the cargo.


With one last burst of the thrusters to decelerate the fall, and the familiar hiss of depressurization, the door of the cargo bay opened, with 13 Blazers hired as muscle stumbling out.

The passenger ledger says it’s 15 of them, so it’s safe to assume the other two will join them whenever their travel ailments pass.


Regina, slightly shaken but nonetheless determined to remain as glamorous as ever, was waiting for them outside already, clapping as if at the end of a show.

“Congratulations my friends!” She exclaimed, extending her arms wide open “This sort of reentry destroys even the most seasoned blazer, there is absolutely no shame if it took the wind out of you. Even I’m willing to admit I-”

She hadn’t finished speaking when, as if having been given permission, all 13 Blazers crumbled.

Some collapsed on the spot, some puked right then and there, some managed to make a bit of a run towards a more appropriate place before either collapsing, or puking, or both in no particular order, and sometimes at once.

“Bit rude if you ask me…” Regina added, annoyed at the chaos unfolding around her.

Unlike the Meteorotive that brought them to the station, the accommodations prepared for the Blazers were more befitting of a human, since for one they were built with humans in mind.

In the grand scheme of things it wasn’t a luxury resort on the northern edge of Garrem, but most of the Blazers came from the sort of background where a working toilet or running water was unheard of.

Most of them… except for one.

His name was Charles Summer North the Third… but all other 14 Blazers, Regina, and even the logistics officer that couldn’t be bothered with two names let alone three and a numeral, only called him “Charlie Something-or-other”.

This was, apparently, not the first time that Charlie was called that by his peers and by this point he was more baffled than annoyed.

Charlie Something-or-other decided this was the perfect time to start telling his peers about the time where he stayed in eastern Lamorant, on a resort with heated pools, and how he spent every night with a different and very hot lady of the night or two.

His boasting stopped then and for the rest of the expedition when two voices exclaimed, in beautiful unison but cacophonous lack of parity something to the less-eloquent effect that “yet, here you are with us”.

As his convoluted name might suggest, Charlie came from money, though unlike his grandfather who owned land, or his father who owned even more land, Charlie spent all of his money thinking it bottomless, or that he could always ask his father for more… and then a hostile takeover cut him off from any money, with his own trust fund depleted and the settlement being used to pay some of his debts.

Away from the rambunctious mess that had developed from shutting Charlie up, two other Blazers were talking outside while smoking.

Laurel and Grisham they were called. Laurel was the sort of portly that comes with middle age, though he had a couple of scars and unhealed bruises to his name, while Grisham was the kind of person you saw and the first thing that came to mind was the word “square”.

They both bonded when a fight broke out in the cargo and Laurel stepped in trying to stop it exclaiming “AIGHT WHOSE BALLS NEED TO BE CRUSHED FOR THIS TO STOP”.

Grisham, who was admittedly one third of the scuffle, immediately broke off. excited to have met a fellow Perrian all the way here.

Perrith is a big plain on the northwest of Valvion, known for keeping their grazers free range instead of holding them up in farms. When grazer disputes exploded, mostly between males asserting their dominance, it was tradition to sling a rock to the grazer’s testicles from a distance as to either calm them down or make them so enraged the dispute would end. Regardless, the impact would often turn the hit grazer sterile, preventing further disputes.

The advent of laws to treat cattle more humanely put this practice to an end as a widespread thing, but its impact remains in the language.

Though to this day the biggest controversy is the semantics of if what the practice entailed could be called “crushing” to begin with.

“You think the boss is really the Doctor Tempest?” Grisham asked his smoking partner.

“Does it matter?” Laurel replied “She can be Blodia incarnate for all I care as long as she pays us.”

Grisham looked up to the sky almost in reflex.

It was night, which in the belt meant one of the two other planets in the system eclipsed the sun for a few hours. But the one eclipsing right now was Emerith, the green planet and not Blodia, the red planet.

How would a planet incarnate anyways? Grisham knew the planets held some weird power, and people used that phrase all the time, but why did they use it?

“Yeah but…” Grisham continued “What if we ARE actually doing something, you know, important and stuff?”

“That why you became a Blazer, Grish?” Laurel asked.

“Kinda yeah… like the teleserials and stuff…”

Laurel let out a small, smoke-filled chuckle. It wasn’t a laugh of mockery but one filled with admiration for a youth full of ambition.

“She’s a strange woman…” Laurel said stomping on what was left of his cigar “It’s what I think.”

“And I think she’s hot as hell.”

A third, squeaky voice, entered the conversation.

Smith was one of his names… though nobody ever remembered which. He was a skeletal thin man that walked with really awful posture.

“She’s got the showers all for herself and drilled some spy holes earlier, wanna see?”

Without saying a single word, Laurel and Grisham followed Smith.

A melodious humming could be heard from the shower room as they approached the previously-made peep holes. And when they peeked in, the promise was indeed fulfilled.

Regina stood humming in the showers, washing her bare body.

Her physique was even more amazing laid bare than with her scant clothes on. She washed her body meticulously, bending over with amazing flexibility to reach her legs, rubbing her toned torso sensually, making sure her breasts displayed all of their suppleness as they slipped from her hand, showing off the firmness of her butt as she slapped it with a small giggle, all the while her hair rested through as many curves as possible… 

And despite her skin tone having the signs of being the product of an active life under the sun, there were no tan lines to be found anywhere.

It was such a spectacle in fact, that none of the peeping trio ever thought about the fact that it WAS a spectacle.

What are the chances that Regina was as grandiose on her own as she was in public?

What are the chances that out of all the booths she would pick the one where Smith drilled holes?

…what are the chances that all or her motions seemed to be in service of them?

All of these were questions that burned to ash as the sensual visage of Regina seared into their brains.

The next day, Smith’s squeaky voice was heard protesting about being given less rations than the others on breakfast, stopping everyone else in the line and making Laurel a couple of spots behind him impatient.

“Do you want me to be more on the bone huh?” He exclaimed showing off his arm.

“Quiet down! That was just the fee for the show.”

Regina’s voice interjected from behind Smith making him turn pale and stand upright for the first time in years with an audible crack.

“Show, boss?” He asked meekly, his eyes darting everywhere.

“Yeah! Hope you enjoyed it!” Regina said in a tone that had an “or else” implied “Like hell I was gonna let you guys be witness to my unchained majesty for free…”

Regina vaulted over the counter and signaled the poor food employee to continue with the line as she handled this.

“I saw your record Smith” She said resting her face on her hand and looking him up and down “You requested your payment for the expedition to be sent to your mom and five siblings back in Station 2.”

She smiled a smile of genuine warmth for a fraction of a moment before it transmuted into her regular impish smile as she straightened up.

“I wasn’t gonna take food out of their mouths, so I’m taking it out of yours instead!” She she poked at his bony chest with her finger, then turned around in perfect timing to Laurel having the same ration realization that Smith just had.

“Yours too Laurel! With the bonus of your wife and daughter not knowing you were peeping at your employer!”

“How kind of you ma’am…” Laurel replied with undisguised sarcasm as he walked away with his paltry plate.

“Now, you might be wondering, what about Grisham?” Regina said jumping over the counter again “Well, his rations are the normal amount, but he’ll learn later down the line that his pay was cut thanks to the Regina’s Wondrous Dance of Sensual Delights Tax.”

As she walked away, she stopped for a moment and added…

“Like… really cut. I’d feel bad, but I know what I’m worth and you all came out of this with a bargain because I’m that nice.”

After that eventful breakfast, the expedition started proper.

Out of the 15 Blazers, 3 had to stay behind as backup, though they were kept busy helping the warehouse staff move the camp’s supplies around.

The remaining 12 had varying signs of trepidation at the idea of another bumpy ride after a meal, but to their partial relief, landmass 22-57a was not only within sight, but a blazer suicidal enough could jump off from Station 22 and not have their body be lost in whatever gravitational mess the void between lands is.

For now though, they were being transported one by one with their assigned equipment via elevator.

By the time everyone had gathered at their destination, Regina was already waiting for them.

At first everyone only saw her back, she was wearing an open trench coat and a hat.

“My friends!” She then turned in a theatrical gesture with her arms extended “Today you will be part of history.”

Under the trench coat, her attire was different from the one in the Meteorotive. She still wore a button-up shirt that was in a losing fight with her cleavage and underwear, but instead of a corset and skirt she had denim pants that were just as tights, though they also looked really easy to move in. Her high boots with heels were also replaced by regular boots, causing her intimidating height to become merely the height of a tall woman.

Within the confines of the trench coat framing all of this, many pockets with devices of unknown purpose could be seen.

Notably, however, the belt with her gun was now accompanied by a second belt with a gun. Both belts rested diagonally from her hips in an X shape, and all the small notches and pockets seemed to be full.

After pausing for way too long as if wanting to show herself off first, Regina lowered her arms and continued.

“Those of you with the metal thing you nail to the ground will be on the back of the line.” She indicated pointing at three of the Blazers with metallic gray devices and lengths of wire “Those are the communication relays, only nail one to the ground when one of the rolls of wire runs out, pick which of you will be the first one”

She took a cursory glance after the three started arguing who was going first.

“The ones with the machetes and thick clothing will be at the front.” She indicated the two Blazers with thick boots and pants “You’re the ones that will help our path, just… make sure to not get too excited cutting things, will you?”

She started pointing where everyone should be as she continued the instructions.

“You six will surround me, front, flank, and back” She pointed all around here before adding “Those rifles only fire concussive rubber, so if anything does come up the goal is to deter, not kill.”

She finally took a silver briefcase with one hand.

“And the task of carrying the instruments goes to….” She paused for unnecessary suspense as the only person not assigned to a task waited “Mr. Ma’am himself!”

Regina extended the suitcase with one hand and handed it off to Rupert, who then got startled by the weight of it and almost fell.

“Why me?” He muttered absentmindedly after recovering and standing upright.

“Because…” Regina said without missing a beat “After going through all of everyone’s documents and history you are the only one with the skills needed to handle this very delicate task.”

“…really?” Rupert asked with the smallest tinge of hope in his voice, only to be met by Regina barely holding her laughter.

“Oh no, you believed me? I’m so sorry…” She said clearly not sorry “No it’s because you were last in the roster, everything was assigned in alphabetical order.”

Shockingly, nobody laughed. It had only been a day and they all now knew that any of them could’ve been in his position with Regina involved.

“Alright, time for you gentlemen to earn your bread, let’s go!”

They started making their way through the overgrown forest on the outside of the relay as everyone tended to their tasks. Those at the very front made passage easier for a bigger party of people, those in the back made sure the cables were firmly in the ground, and those surrounding Regina and Rupert were on the lookout for… for…

“Say boss…” One of the ones looking out at the flanks said “What are we lookin’ for?”

“You mean in general or you guys specifically?” She asked.

“I meant me and the other five, but I guess in general, yeah.”

“Well, we’re looking for something that looks like a cave.” Regina raised her left hand as if to hush someone that never meant to say anything and added “Now what do I mean by ‘looks like a cave’? Well, it’s not quite an erosion-induced depression in the mountain but more like a big thing that crashed into the mountain so hard it opened a hole and caused a bit of a cave-in in the process.”

“How do you have just a bit of a cave-in?” Rupert asked out loud, regretting it immediately.

“By not collapsing completely.” Regina replied.

Rupert only shrugged, realizing he walked right into that one.

“You guys though…” Regina said addressing the second part of the question “Honestly not much. The whole Section 22 doesn’t really have big carnivores, the fauna is mainly things like rodents and felines rushing through the bushes…”

When she said this, all the noises in nature in the forest became clearer for the expedition.

“But trust me, better safe than sorry.” She ended in a tone with none of her usual whimsy and all of the weight of experience behind it.

A few minutes later, they finally saw the formation that was “like a cave”, and the descriptor fit perfectly.

Though vegetation was growing again all over it, it was clear something had crashed, and the rocks blocking most of the entrance were removed recently.

As they all got near the cave, Regina started barking orders again.

“Okay, all of you stay out here and keep watch on the entrance, if anything weird happens that’s why we had you guys set a comms relay.” She then snapped her gloved fingers near Rupert “Mister Ma’am, you’re coming with me.”

“Why did we come here if we’re staying outside?” One of the Blazer with concussive rifles moaned.

“Oh, you guys didn’t come to defend me” She said with a cocky grin drawing on her face like a predator ready to pounce “You’re just making things more comfortable.”

With this declaration and one last glance at Rupert to catch up, they both disappeared into the cave.

The inside was completely unassuming, nothing that the average folk hadn’t seen in their own town’s outskirts. But a few paces in, the real attraction became clear.

Rupert’s eyes, barely getting used to the darkness, caught another source of light and it came from a massive bay door. The rest of the ship it was part of was surrounded by rocks, but it was clear by the size of the door alone that it was big.

Regina examined the devices near the door, clicked her tongue a couple of times and turned to Rupert.

“You wouldn’t happen to have SOME royal blood in you by any chance?” She looked him up and down “Maybe a great great grandma twice removed that caught the fancy of some horny noble?”

“Not that I know, no.” Rupert said, confused.

“Oh well, we continue as intended then…”

Regina produced some kind of squishy rubber ball connected to an expensive-looking device. She pressed the rubber ball onto the biometric scanner while pushing a couple of buttons and all the lights in the ship flared up.


Rupert was pulled to the side by Regina just before the bay door opened.

“If that had you like a frolicker in the headlights…” Regina told him “Wait until you see the inside…”

“So clean…”

Rupert couldn’t help but utter this, as if the emotion was overloading his head so hard that it needed to get out.

The ship wasn’t actually “clean” in the conventional way one might understand it, in fact nature had started to claim it, with all manner of life creeping in, out, and around.

But there was something about its design, its construction, it’s materials that just evoked the image of “clean” regardless of hygiene.

“People think we can’t make these kinds of ships anymore…” Regina said, shocking Rupert on how she was entertaining the line of thought instead of teasing his perception of cleanliness “Truth is that we can, but it’s very time and resource consuming.”

“Then where did this ship come from?”

“Ain’t that the twentieth question here…”

As they walked by quiet halls and cabins, clearing their way towards the cockpit, another thought escaped Rupert’s mouth.

“It’s so… empty…”

“Hm? Empty how?” Regina asked him absentmindedly, almost like she was prodding him to think harder.

“There’s no cargo, no cutlery, no trash, no bedsheets, no… no nothing…”

Rupert thought he heard Regina let out a small chuckle before she stopped suddenly.

“Alright Mister Ma’am, stay back and cover your eyes.”

Regina took a bullet out of her belt, and loaded it into the chamber of one of her guns.

“Loaded!” She announced before shooting at the door.

A blinding flash later, the door to the cockpit looked as if someone went through it with really strong blowtorch.

Rupert looked dumbfounded back and forth, from the door to Regina then to the door again.

“It only works with magnetizable metals, sadly…” She commented as if Rupert was aware of the full implication of that somehow.

After announcing “Safe on!” she holstered the gun again and entered the cockpit.

Once inside, she signaled Rupert to open the briefcase. He did so only to find the reason it was so heavy was because it seemed to carry some sort of portable computer inside. Regina unfolded some sort of instrument in it and connected it to the main console.

After that, it all went quiet.

Regina focused on looking at screens and pushing buttons, while Rupert held the briefcase.

It was so… weird.

The silence, the announcing that the gun was loaded or locked, why this Regina almost looked thoroughly professional…

Getting bored and needing to entertain himself with his hands occupied on the briefcase, Rupert idly asked a question.

“So you’re a doctor because you’re a scientist, right?”

“Yes.” Regina replied dryly.

“Scientists are all different types right? Like how being a health doctor doesn’t tell if you treat skin gashes or skin rashes.”

“That’s how that works, yeah…”

“Is this the type of scientist you are then? The computer kind?”

“No… My doctorate is in nuclear chemistry with a minor in biochemistry” Then before Rupert could say anything she continued “The reason I’m doing this is more because I’m the only scientist crazy enough to go on expeditions.”

“I can see that.” Rupert then winced at realizing what he said, before noticing Regina just let out a small chuckle.

The silence continued, the briefcase was starting to get warm, and Rupert was getting tired.

As one does when stuck in situations like these, Rupert started recounting mentally everything that had happened up to now.

Regina’s “advice” back in the Meteorotive, her briefing, now everything he had seen a few moments ago…

Then something nagged at him, something was off, wrong.

“There’s something you haven’t told us, right?”

Regina’s typing stopped cold and she half turned her head towards him.

“What makes you think that?” There was zero grandiosity or even defensiveness in her voice, there was just the sort of cutting factuality of a judge questioning a lawyer.

“You were telling us this was an ancient ship, some…” Rupert looked for the right word and failed “Anthropological find.”


“Whatever!” Rupert had found his train of through during that interruption and was going to follow it to the edge of the world “This doesn’t look like some relic, this looks like an auto fresh off the dealer!”

Regina just gave him a stare so cold it could freeze the sun itself, but Rupert stood his ground.

“So much staff for this simple sort of thing and then you brag saying you could do it yourself anyways, if so, then why…?”

“Go on…” Regina insisted.

“If you can handle yourself like you brag, you insist so much on not killing thing when we came here, and the only fauna in here is rodents and felines, then…” Rupert’s eyes filled with realization “…then there was a possibility of people instead of animals…”

“AHAHAHAHAHA!” Regina let out a laugh that was probably not meant to sound evil but most definitely did “Congratulations Rupert Ma’am, you’ve just stepped into the sort of knowledge that could get you killed!”

Rupert turned pale and trembling but that’s when Regina turned around fully.

“Don’t worry, you’re safe with me” She told him, and to Rupert’s surprise, he believed her “In fact, I’m gonna reward your smarts with the answers… at least as many answers as I can provide.”

She took the briefcase off his arms, pushed some buttons, and then finally addressed him after resting the briefcase on a nearby console.

“I didn’t lie to you all, but you’re right in that I didn’t disclose everything.” Little by little, grandiosity was filling her voice again “Let me ask you something: Don’t you think that if everyone has an incentive to expand west, there would be powerful groups outside of the Valvion governments interested in that?”

Rupert’s eyes opened wide as he realized such an obvious thing.

He never bothered with politics, but yes, if there’s so much money in expanding west, it would make perfect sense for something other than random fortune seekers and the Valvion governments to plant their flag.

“The precedent for offshoot ships from Mothership Valvion isn’t unheard of, in fact, this might be exactly that… the real question is when it was launched…”

“Wait wait…” Rupert was starting to lose track of things when Regina raised three fingers in front of her.

“Currently, there’s three main possibilities with what we’ve seen: First, this is one of the scout ships from the mothership; Second, there’s some freaky reason why this ship was preserved here, like the mountain housing a hangar; Or third…” Regina paused for suspense “There’s some third party manufacturing ships now…”

Rupert’s throat dried up. None of the possibilities sounded encouraging.

If it came from the mothership, that means someone in the higher echelons of royalty launched it. But why? How many of these ships were there if so?

The second possibility seems unlikely, but the idea of secret military bases is chilling.

And if it was the last one…

That last one actually seemed to trigger a chain reaction of thoughts in Rupert, because not only was the thought of someone else amassing the power to rival the main military of the belt kicking into place… but what if it didn’t come from Valvion?

Nobody knows what’s on the other end of the belt after all…

And that’s not even counting how empty everything was! Was the ship being transported somewhere maybe? Did it intend to arrive somewhere where it could resupply? Maybe it was stolen so there was no time to load it?


Regina glanced at the briefcase and a grin creeped into her face.

“Results are in, wanna know what this is?”

“No, but I’d feel worse not knowing…”

Regina paused, for once reading the results instead of for intentional dramatic suspense.

“It’s a scout ship from Valvion.”

“Oh…” Rupert paused “That’s not reassuring…”

Regina let out a small chuckle, but when she glimpsed at the briefcase, any semblance of a smile drained away immediately.

“Alright Mister Ma’am, here’s what’s going to happen, and this is the only thing I have time to explain…” Regina adopted the sort of low tone one uses to try and be comforting that’s only discomforting as a result “I’m going to count down, from five to one, then on one you’re going to grab the briefcase and run as hard as you can to the entrance. Some cables will flap about, doesn’t matter. Keep running, don’t look back, don’t stop.”



Rupert wanted to ask more questions, What was this sudden shift in mood?


He fumbled for the briefcase, towards its handle…


He tried really clumsily to close it but was shaking too much for it.


What’s going?


What’s going to happen?


Regina’s command when Rupert didn’t start running at one did the trick and he took off, briefcase in hand, cables flapping everywhere.

As soon as he made it a few meters past the cockpit, a voice came from behind him.

“If you look back I’ll shoot you! Just keep running!”

“If you look back I’ll kill you! Just keep running!”

Regina’s voice sounded different, like a second voice was superimposed over hers.

But before Rupert could process that thought a different sound started rumbling.

The sound of engines starting…

But if the ship tries to fly inside the cave…

This realization made Rupert accelerate even faster through a hallway that seemed to have no end in that eternal instant.

Another realization creeped in as he neared the cargo bay door, if the ship was preparing for takeoff, that meant that the door would…


His fears got confirmed as the door started slowly closing with the siren to clear off blaring, Rupert gave out one last burst of speed to make it out and clear the door that had just turned into an upwards climb.

Rupert fell to the ground outside with a thud so loud that the guys outside came in to check.


None of them had time to even get near him, when Rupert stumbled his way into standing up and running some more. And thankfully, the very human instinct of running when others run kicked into action for the others before any questions were raised.

Like a pack of scared animals, the 12 Blazers made distance away from the cave and in that moment the loud thud of something hitting the mountain from the inside was heard and rocks fell onto the entrance of the cave.

Then, the rumbling stopped.

Before anyone could ask what was going on, Rupert, bruised and wounded as he was, started trying to move rocks away on his own.

“DON’T STAND THERE COME HELP ME!!!” Rupert shouted to his peers with an edge of hysteria


“What in the blasted void are you saying?! This isn’t time to-”

Then, in that moment, the voice saying all this, a distinctly deep but un-manly voice finally registered with Rupert.

He turned around to find the rest of the Blazers frozen in shock as Regina gingerly grabbed rocks before throwing them to the side.

“EEK!!!” Rupert exclaimed, somehow reaching four octaves up.

“Have you thought about singing Mister Ma’am?” Regina asked wiping her forehead “You have quite the range that should be trained I think.”


“First things first…” Regina said, reaching for the briefcase “This is for me… and this is… for you!”

She leaned towards Rupert and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“So the first explanation in the queue…” Regina said while putting the briefcase on the ground and sorting all the dangling wires “This thing here is the same that the staff uses on Meteorotives and other ships for maintenance.”

Enough of the information overload had passed by Rupert where the kiss on the cheek started registering…

“The ship’s…” Regina tried to look for a word that simplified in layman terms what she wanted to convey and finally landed on “…its brain, all ship brains have been roughly the same for like 700 years. The main difference has been the removal of options because Meteorotives don’t need to keep track of the upkeep of cryogenics for example. But when that happens it’s more like the gap in the brain remains.”

Regina looked around to see if anyone was following her, but they were all shocked about what happened still. Nonetheless, she continued.

“So the idea was to use this baby to check the brains of the ship as if we were running normal maintenance…” Regina’s face then turned sour and annoyed “But as it turns out, the chunk of the ship’s brain that we use nowadays to check the launch log was used in the past to trigger the launch sequence!”

Having finished sorting the briefcase, Regina stood up.

“So not only do we not have the launch date in any way, but now I have one more cave-in to add to my illustrious legacy, which would be fine if I was on my own but there were innocents with me!” Regina was talking in a really fast manner, as if complaining to an imaginary bartender “I guess that means we can date the ship by tracing back when that programming inconsistency happened, but this is the sort of thing that a certain esteemed colleague of mine with the table manners of an excited parakeet gets paid a small fortune every month to know, so this oversight in the whole planning stage of the expedition is not only unacceptable but an utter disgrace!!!”

As her mouth stopped rambling, Regina looked around to her shocked crowd.

“Any questions?”

“HOW?!!!!” Rupert shouted, voicing what everyone was thinking.

“Well, you do remember my nom de guerre, don’t you?”

“The ma-LADY! LADY!!! Rupert squealed as Regina pointed her gun at him “THE LADY THAT DEATH FORGOT!!!!”

“And you all better not forget that, or I’ll kick the door of the toilet when you’re in it.”

Everything that transpired was still being digested by those present when Regina picked the briefcase and started heading back.

“Sadly, this is where my time with the expedition ends because someone needs to deliver this briefcase safely…” Regina turned around, bowed as if at the end of a play, blew a kiss and said “Bye friends, may your ancestors smile upon what you all did today.”

Though her presence was no longer in the camp, she remained the talk of it through the expedition, especially once the cave was opened and a hole seemingly torn by claws was found in the hull of the scout ship, with its core torn to shreds too.

Many questions remained, especially on the mind of Rupert, the only one privy to the depths of the expeditions.

But regardless, the legend of The Lady That Death Forgot continued to spread, as did the clarified moniker.

Because she already threatened that if any of them misspoke she would kick the door when they were relieving themselves.

And they already saw her defy death first hand, none were really keen on calling her bluff on that one.

Forsaken Gaia – Chapter 2: What does her blind side see?.

Written by: Fernando Damas (@ironiclark)